What is Alyce?

Alyce is the AI-powered B2B gifting platform that’s redefining direct mail, swag and gifts with its scalable, sustainable, hyper-personalized approach to account-based marketing. Alyce builds real, personal relationships that deliver up to twice the named account penetration and drives 5x pipeline versus traditional approaches

What was the problem you were facing?

Today’s B2B shoppers want to see our product when evaluating their next gifting platform. So while illustrations are nice, nothing beats getting in the driver’s seat to see how the software works.

Our self-guided product tour helps us deliver a first-person view in record time. And we can create these tours in minutes, not weeks, from concept to live.

Why Navattic?

We were looking for a replacement for static screenshots on our website. Screenshots have three limitations: age, quality, and credibility.

Product images often become outdated by the next major release. The visual clarity also gets lost on different screen sizes. And in some cases, the data shown in a screenshot leaves many skeptical.

Interactive demos invite more discovery of the product. As a result, what might be inconsequential to a product marketing team is a deciding factor in selecting a vendor. For instance, a buyer might observe numerous integrations while maneuvering around the software, even though it’s not the focal point.

How are you using Navattic product tours today?

We are using Navattic as a secondary CTA on the website, for integration pages and our sales team is using them in outbounding sequences. Our CS team also uses them for trainings.

What are some results you have seen?

From the visitors who visit our product tour page, we’ve had a 20% conversion rate to requesting a tour. 22% of those conversions have been high quality accounts perfectly within our ICP.

Our sales team also likes that they can jump into a demo to aid their conversations. Prospects taking our software out for a spin can begin to visualize how they want to use it. As a result, we can have more in-depth questions centered around the product and the next steps.