What is Accord?
Accord is a customer-facing collaboration platform helping B2B teams build repeatable, collaborative sales and onboarding processes.
What was the problem you were facing?
We were looking to launch a new section on our website - a customer playbook gallery to showcase templates of how different teams are using Accord. In launching these new pages, we wanted to quickly roll something out without needing to engage engineering. Additionally, we wanted to make this section easily accessible for site visitors without needing product access.
Why Navattic?
We ended up choosing Navattic for this project because of the speed to build and launch with their easy-to-use platform. We were evaluating other vendors in the interactive demo space but in the same time it took them to get back to us for a discovery call, we had already built our first Navattic tour.
How are you using Navattic product tours today?
Today, we are using Navattic tours to power our playbook gallery on our website. This gallery provides an in-depth look at each of our playbooks consisting of content created from our customers. It has been a great way to showcase our product in a way that’s more interactive than static screenshots or product videos.
What are some results you have seen?
Navattic tours have been much faster to update and launch than a full product demo video. When compared to planning and building a product video, a Navattic tour is significantly easier because we can operate at a much faster speed and iterate and update sections as the product UI changes rather than rerecord and reedit video content.
In using Navattic to build our product tours, we went from a project that would require significant engineering time to zero. Our marketing team was able to build and launch a comprehensive product tour in a number of hours which would have equated to at least multiple days of engineering time if we tried to build a public demo environment from scratch.
Navattic enabled us to test and ship our idea that the playbook gallery would be of value to our ICP in a very fast and nimble way. Now, after launching, our playbook gallery has the lowest exit rate of any page on our entire website and our overall site conversion rate has increased by 36%. Navattic was key in helping us validate and deploy this project.